#23| dear mister: family wedding

dear mister,

We got back from Peru in time to attend one of my most favorite person’s wedding to the love of his life. My cousin and his wife were hosting a 300+ wedding, and it’d be the first time you meet my entire family- the immediate, the extended, and the extended extended family.

A fun twist is that my cousin had asked me to day-coordinate for the ceremony, and little did we know that I would leave you to fend for yourself for hours and hours, where you knew no one yet felt the pressure to make a first impression.

It was my first time coordinating. You joined me ULTRA early in the morning to pick up and drop off flowers. You got the groomsmen some celebratory happy water to start their mornings right (shots at 9am is totally normal). Then, we started the show.

As I was pinning boutonnieres with no idea how, ran around making sure all the right people were in the right places, getting snarked at by my family, yelling at my elders to line up… you waited for a moment of calm and pulled me out to lunch. I loved that moment so much. We got fresh air, took a short walk, and you fed me- is that not love?

By the reception, I had a small duty, and then I was all yours for the night. I love that you experienced your first Chinese banquet, with endless high quality super delicious food- where our table of “kids” disappointed the waiter by eating too slow, and your jaw literally dropped watching us pack all the leftovers to go (it’s a thing at Chinese weddings- “enough food” is an over abundance of food served). You drank with my baby cousins, danced with the groomsmen, and we watched a fight go down.

Overall, a super successful introduction to my family. 😉

with love, kim

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